Read online ebook Tri-State Area Mad Dog Killer TXT, MOBI, DOC


BASED ON A TRUE STORY A brilliant police officer and a brilliant killer are at odds as the bodies pile up in Vanderburgh and Posey County in Indiana, and also in Kentucky's Henderson County. You can get in the minds of both men and feel the frustration as they play cat and mouse throughout the Christmas season of 1954 and into April of 1955. Watch the killer as he is caught, tried, sentenced to die, and escapes from an escape proof jail. He runs to California and the FBI gets involved and joins the chase. It's a chase to be remembered. ! Endorsements "I have truly enjoyed reading this book! Being from Evansville Indiana and presently living and working in Posey County Indiana, I am familiar with the locations, victims, and their families that were involved in this tragic story. I highly recommend this book! It is accurate in its details, and interesting in its content. "Chief Deputy Sheriff Mike Alexander, Posey County, Indiana "Research has clearly been done on this work. It is a very interesting read, and will hold your attention throughout. I am certain you will appreciate the unique presentation as did I." Larry A. Dever, Sheriff, Cochise County Arizona "This book is a great read! I really enjoyed it! I thought it read like a movie script, and should be made into a movie." Judge David Morales, Cochise County, Arizona.

Tri-State Area Mad Dog Killer by Joyce Hudson read ebook FB2, PDF, MOBI

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