Read book LIVE Your LifePurpose : A Journey to Discovering, and Living Your LifePurpose DJV, PDF


Remember this; there is no power on earth, or in heaven, greater than the power of love. Not just love for others, love for your Creator and the purpose he has destined for your life; love for yourself and the life of fulfillment you are entitled to enjoy because you are a vessel of your God. If you sincerely intend to enjoy the fulfillment, peace, success, and happiness you deserve, take this journey towards discovering, and living, your LifePurpose. This is your journey. Indulge your sense of purpose. Allow yourself to travel further down your LifePurpose road than you may have ever gone before. Go boldly; your LifePurpose is waiting, and you are just forty days (lessons) away. Safe travel! Go Master The Day!, Welcome to the start of your incredible journey. Even if you believe you are currently living your purpose for your life, take this journey; at the very least, you will refine some core beliefs. However, you may also find that you gain some new insights into your lifes call, and even learn some new ways of hearing God, your Creator. Your happiness and fulfillment are directly connected to your LifePurpose, and that happiness is not in the acquisition of things or the elimination of problems and issues. Happiness and fulfillment are experienced in amazing ways when you are living out your lifes purpose. You must know your LifePurpose in order to know what makes you happy; however, if you do not truly know who you are, you cannot know what you are here for. The not knowing is what leads to bad decisions and an unfulfilled life. You cannot know what will truly bring you happiness, fulfillment, success, and peace, until you first know who you are and what your purpose in your God-given life is. This is where this book comes into play; by the time you finish reading and going through the steps in this book, you will not only know who you truly are, you will also know how to determine your LifePurpose, and how to begin living it successfully. The exercises in this book have been specifically designed to reinforce the lessons taught, so be sure to complete each one. In addition, give extra thought and study to the words, phrases, and thoughts which are followed by the term(s) "knowledge point" and "key knowledge point"; these are key points to explore and cement into your thought processes. Each Day (lesson) will begin with you reciting your DayMaster Affirmation because by the end of this incredible journey you will become what I call a "DayMaster"; I created this acronym to mean: "Daily Advancing Your Master Agenda Striving Toward Eternal Reward." A DayMaster is that particular person who does not leave his/her life to fate or surrender it to circumstances, but, rather

Allen C. Barham Sr - LIVE Your LifePurpose : A Journey to Discovering, and Living Your LifePurpose download EPUB, DOC, TXT